For the men: A great review of our beard oil

"Beard oil is pretty much leave-in conditioner for beards. Province Apothecary’s packs in sunflower oil, jojoba seed oil, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil and GMO-free vitamin E. Combined, they hydrate, reduce itchiness and blemishes, and give beards a healthy shine. On top of that, black spruce is supposed to stimulate hair growth and strengthen the beard, while lavender calms the skin. Therapeutic oils of bergamot, cedar wood and vetiver also make this beard oil smell pretty dreamy.
One of the first things that we learned about Province Apothecary’s Beard Oil is that it’s all about the scent. The “wildcrafted Canadian beauty” line’s founder, Julie Clark, told us on Twitter: “It’s mostly about the smell of the oil, my beard oil is hydrating + stimulating = softer, thicker beard.”
She ain’t kiddin’. Province Apothecary’s beard oil smells like smoky cedar with a hint of citrus (that’s the vetiver coming through). To paint you a picture: it smells like a lumberjack who just came in from the woods, outfitted in flannel, an axe slung over his shoulder. Oh, and he’s peeling an orange. So basically, Paul Bunyan holding a fruit bowl. (Forbidden fruit…?) I do not object to any man smelling like this.
Day 2: “Beard oil is definitely making a difference. It looks shinier.”
Read the full review here.