When you choose Province Apothecary, you’re investing in yourself while investing in products made with a sense of responsibility for your health and the health of the planet.

Our Impact
At Province Apothecary, we are committed to contributing to a reduced environmental footprint.
Sustainable Packaging
Our sustainable and innovative packaging initiatives are ongoing and they include compostable pouch packaging, recyclable glass bottles, printing with eco-friendly ink, and using PCR materials whenever possible.
“Sustainability is a topic I am deeply passionate about and have been committed to before starting this company. When I started PA, I wanted people to stop using products that did more damage and harm to them and the planet. It was my mission to go the extra distance to make sure this happened, or else why bring more products into the world?”
— Julie Clark, Founder
Plant-Based Ingredients
Our natural products are made in smaller batches, allowing more control over the process and preserving the integrity of the plant medicine.
Responsible and Ethical Sourcing
Our ingredients, tools and packaging are sourced in a responsible and sustainable way, ensuring that the workers are safe, treated fairly and that the environmental and social impacts are taken into consideration during the sourcing process.
Recycling Partnership
In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of cosmetic waste, we are in partnership with Pact Collective. They repurpose and recycle packaging that isn't currently accepted in the municipal program.
Renewable Energy
We have partnered with Bullfrog Power, a renewable energy producer in Canada. Fun fact, Julie, our Founder, lives in an off-grid house that is powered by wind and solar energy 🙂

Our Certifications

Our Commitment to Giving Back
"When I started PA, we gave back to the Canadian Organic Growers and Canadian Honey Council because it was so difficult to find organic raw ingredients in Canada and we were hoping to make a positive impact on their growth and accessibility. As the brand evolved, our focus has shifted to supporting our community and people, as well as the environment."
— Julie Clark, Founder
We are more than just skincare.
Giving back is at the heart of the Province Apothecary brand. It’s part of our ethos. Every year, we donate a percentage of sales to several different organizations. Each of these organizations are selected by our team, and strive to benefit our community and the planet at large. Recent Donation Recipients Include: Black Lives Matter TO; The Care Collective - Frontline Workers; Planned Parenthood, Toronto; Native Women’s Resource Centre, Toronto; Supporting Our Youth (SOY), Toronto; Canadian Honey Council; Earth Roots; Nature Conservancy of Canada; Canadian Organic Growers; Sistering; and 1 % for the Planet.

Land Acknowledgement
I (we) would like to acknowledge that the Province Apothecary Clinic, Office, and Production Facility are situated upon traditional territories of First Nations Peoples.
The territories include the Anishinabek Nation, the Huron Wendat Confederacy, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
The treaty that was signed for this particular parcel of land is collectively referred to as the Toronto Purchase Treaty 13 of 1805. Prior to contact with Europeans, the sovereign First Nations developed an agreement called "The Dish With One Spoon" to share the land and its resources equally, respectfully, and with the understanding of taking only what we need to live and giving thanks for the bounty of Mother Earth.
May we work together in harmony, may we respect one and another, may we honour the Original Peoples of this land and thank them for caretaking on behalf of future generations and all of us present today. May we learn from their relationship with the natural world.
May we join with the First Peoples in the protection of the natural world.
Thank you,
Julie (PA)