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Falling in Love with Taking Care of Yourself | What Valentine's Day Means To Three Women

This Valentine’s Day we are focusing on self love, because
the love you have for yourself is your most important relationship. We asked a few of our friends to share some of their Valentine’s Day rituals, favourite memories and self-care tips with us. From Portland, to South Carolina, to West Hollywood, self-love is in the air.


Wildcraft | Charleston, South Carolina


Valentine’s Day Plans…

I’ll be at the shop! We’re sharing the love and having a free brow sugaring pop-up event that day. Afterward, I’ll spend the evening with my husband and two pups. Valentine’s Day is more of a reminder for me to elevate my thoughts and actions, to choose Love every day. Instead of singling out one day, let’s raise them all up!


Considering I’m a skincare junkie, my self-love practice goes hand-in-hand with this... I take time to massage oils into my skin, I do masks every weekend, I take baths while listening to heart-opening podcasts, all while using products that are infused with love by makers who care about the earth and have stellar ingredient sourcing. I also meet with my life coach/spiritual counselor on a regular basis, which is one of the most loving things I feel we can do for ourselves. My self-love practice is really about being gentle with myself, slowing down, going inward, and being acutely aware of where and who I put my energy towards.

Sweet Memory...

When I was in elementary school, we would decorate a brown paper lunch bag with our name on it and make little Valentines for everyone in our class. I remember loving picking out which Valentines I would give out (more than likely Care Bears, Rainbow Brite or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed) and then going through my bag at the end of the day with the little notes & candy. At 7 years old it was a big deal to get a heart-shaped box of chocolates from my dad, too. After that, I’ve pretty much rebelled against the typical conventions of the holiday.


PALACE | Portland, Oregon


In The Shop…

Many of our skincare products are wild-crafted, organic, and/or small-batch made. We believe that responsible and well-informed sourcing of ingredients results in a more powerful product that provides the user a greater connection to the earth and its medicines. While we treasure any opportunity to provide our customers with thoughtful gifts for their loved ones, Valentine’s Day for us is less about the exchange of goods and more about cultivating appreciation for ourselves and others.


We believe that establishing a regular practice of self-care is important not only for one’s own health and happiness, but also allows us to be our most open, honest, and supportive selves for the people we love. We carry many items that lend themselves well to establishing such self-care rituals. The heavenly smells and feelings of these products also encourage consistent and intentional usage, which helps one understand and develop their own self-care needs. Additionally, this Valentine’s day, we feel it is important to value all sorts of love, romantic and otherwise.

What Matters Most...

While we treasure our lovers for all they provide us, we are making a special effort to lift up all of our loved ones: friends, family, pets, community members, plant babies, etc. If we are to continue to share this planet with others, we must find a way to express love in a much larger and more inclusive way.


The Detox Market | West Hollywood, California


Sweet Memory…

I'm highly sentimental about letters, notes and small, unexpected acts of kindness (and truthfully, about most things). I've had really lovely Valentine's Days when I've been single, actually. One memory that particularly sticks out for me, is when an ex-boyfriend left a single rose with a little note at my doorstep right after we had broken up...I still have that rose. My Dad always sends me cards on Valentine's Day and I have them all.


I am a huge fan of journaling and writing (goes hand in hand with my love of writing quotes): I love to pick themes that are pertinent to the specific challenges and seasonal journeys that I go through and then I will write, research quotes, read books, and catalog as much inspiration as possible to help my self-reflection and growth. I have also started the practice of Attunement Meditation, which has been helping me quiet my mind and center myself. More than anything, I find that I love myself (and practice self-love) the most through giving myself and my time to others: strangers, to customers, to my loved ones. I feel my best when I am gentle with myself and then I am able to give myself more fully to those who need my love the most.

Valentine’s Day Plans...

I have tickets to see one of my favorite bands, Johnnyswim play at the Orpheum Theater in L.A. Music is like the air I breathe and I cannot wait to see them perform! Also, one of of my favorite hobbies is writing out quotes (I have an instagram where I post them - @themagicnotes) and I love to send out hand-written quotes and letters to my girlfriends and my family via snail-mail letting them know what they mean to me. It's my way of spreading the love to everyone I love the most.


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