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Get to know our Naturopathic Doctor, Nastasia Irons, ND

Dr. Nastasia Irons is now offering in-person and virtual consults, as well as in-person acupuncture. Book here.

Most people are covered under extended health care benefits to see a Naturopath, but often do not use up their benefits before the end of the year. This can be because you may not be aware of how a Naturopath can help you!
Let me introduce myself and explain a little bit about what I do:

I am a Naturopathic Doctor, Cat foster mom, and an avid spin enthusiast. I grew up in Niagara, Ontario, playing cello and dancing competitively. I moved to Toronto after University to pursue a career in Naturopathic Medicine with the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. I graduated in 2014, and then completed a 2 year residency at the college. I have been in practice for 6 years.

I love to ride my bike around Toronto, and I have recently gotten into running. I love kale, and I eat it almost every day. I also have a weak spot for Oreos! Drinking coffee is life, and often the first thing I do in the morning. I believe strongly that a close community of friends or family, as well as daily movement is the foundation to health.
As an ND, I blend modern, traditional and herbal medicine to form a comprehensive treatment plan to allow your body to begin to heal itself. It includes a thorough history of your chief concerns, previous medical history, assessment of sleep, energy, stress, digestion, mood, physical health, diet, exercise and full body analysis. Some of the common concerns I see a lot in practice are:

  • Digestion changes such as constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or stomach aches
  • Skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and eczema
  • Menstrual irregularities like long cycles, heavy and painful periods, coming off birth control, fertility support
  • Mood and stress support for anxiety, depression, and general stress
  • Wanting to learn more about health, the body, and what you can do to best support your personal health
  • Wanting to learn more about hormones, allergies, or blood work question
  • Common concerns such as anemia, thyroid disorders, and hormonal imbalance

There are many reasons you may consider seeing a Naturopathic Doctor, however, sometimes people don’t know what will happen in a typical visit. Here's a breakdown:

First consult – can be done in person or virtual

  1. Discuss your health in detail – such as diet, digestion, sleeping habits, energy, mood etc
  2. Education about foods and nutrition, blood work and what it means, and how things in your body are connected
  3. Support offered through acupuncture or a nutrition and lifestyle plan that is provided after the appointment

Follow ups involve assessing for changes to your initial concerns. These can be done in-person or virtually. Many times acupuncture is provided during a follow up visit in-person to help support the body and reduce stress.

If you have more questions, feel free to reach out. Dr. Irons, ND at and follow her on Instagram @drnastasia.

We will be doing a live Q/A session on Instagram to address any questions regarding Naturopathic Medicine on Oct. 20, 2020 at 5:30 PM EST.

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