Julie Clark | What Women's Day Means To Me

Province Apothecary is proudly 99% owned and operated by women! We do our best to embody the values around International Women’s Day every day of the year. From supporting women-led and social initiatives, to encouraging our colleagues’ professional growth, to educating our clients and customers, IWD has a special place in the heart of our work.
Recently back from maternity leave, our CEO + Founder Julie Clark shares what she's celebrating this International Women's Day.
What are you reflecting on this International Women’s Day?
I am just coming back to work full time after having a few months with my newborn, so this IWD I am reflecting on the new experience of motherhood, what that means for my work-life balance, and how challenging this experience is for so many people around the world.
To me, IWD is about celebrating the achievements of women, and giving women both equitable rights and equal opportunities. Women are also mothers which is a full-time job we often take for granted. In Canada, we are so lucky to have great maternity leave rights. This IWD I am reflecting on the fact that we are of very few countries that have access to maternity leave. There is so much room for improvement to support mothers around the world.
This year’s IWD theme is Each for Equal. What does this mean for you?
I love this quote from the IWD website: “An equal world is an enabled world. Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.”
We are 100% responsible for our own thoughts and actions and it’s so important that we make daily efforts toward gender equity.
This IWD, let’s celebrate the achievements and value of all the women we know and admire. Educating and empowering women is vital in creating a sustainable society. Take action for equality in your community and at your workplace. Don’t be afraid to engage in tough conversations.
Who are women who inspire you?
I have a new appreciation for my mom and every mother out there. Being a mother is one of the hardest and most demanding jobs I have ever experienced.
Why is IWD important to Province Apothecary?
IWD is important to Province Apothecary because our employees are 99% women. We were founded by me, a woman, and we have been lucky to help so many amazing women with their skin since 2012.
As a women owned and operated business we strive to give equal opportunity to women and have their voices heard and valued - in the workplace and beyond.
I feel so grateful that in 2020, women-owned businesses are celebrated and so many amazing and inspiring women-owned businesses exist around me! It’s deeply empowering and gives me hope that, while we still have a long way to go, things are changing.
We have also had the opportunity to donate to so many amazing local organizations that focus on supporting women including; Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto, Toronto Rape Crisis Centre, and Sistering Toronto. It is important to me, and the company, to provide support to the broader community, whenever possible.
Do you have any plans or rituals planned to celebrate IWD?
I'm going to spend time with my family and to celebrate IWD I am going to sit and mediate with a few of my best female friends