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Meet our amazing aestheticians: Vanessa Kamevaar

We love Vanessa and the amazing knowledge she brings to our skincare clinic! We asked her some questions to get to know her better and learn more about her personal approach to beauty and wellness.

Why (or how) did you become a holistic aesthetician?
After years of attacking my own skin concerns with harsh chemicals and endless purchases that came with too many promises, I turned to the only thing that I had not tried yet and that was a holistic approach. When I switched to a vegetarian diet, I didn’t even realize how it would impact my body in such a positive way – It was kind of a fluke. Soon, I found myself doing extensive research on healthy living and it’s many benefits.

What are your favourite parts of being a skin expert / whats your favourite part of the job?
Media plays a big role in pushing beauty products so it’s nice to sit with someone and say, “Hey, take a step back and let’s evaluate the situation in a more personal way.” There is so much chatter about what the beauty fads are but it’s important to understand that every individual should be treated in a different way and I take joy in taking the time with each person to remind them how important their own needs are.

Any favourite skincare tips?
Regular exfoliation is key to stimulate cell regeneration and to remove excess build-up. Always make sure to treat dehydration before any other skin conditions.

What's your favourite DIY skincare recipe?
I love doing at home facial steams once to twice a week. I get a large bowl and put boiled water in it with a towel to cover my head. Make sure your face is washed, then add a tiny drop of a preferred essential oil into the boiled water before you steam. I usually use lavender to clean out my pores and it also has relaxing therapeutic benefits. If your skin is feeling dehydrated or dry, you can steam your face with a thin layer of oil (our Hydrating Face Serum works awesome for this) on your skin for better penetration. I always follow with a face mask. I love mixing our clay mask with honey and turmeric.

How would you describe your perfect 'day off work'?
I try to get my butt out of bed early in the a.m. I feel best when I dedicate my morning to doing a little yoga or meditation to relax my mind and body. Then I love to make a big breakfast – it’s my favourite meal and the first thing I think about when I wake up. My perfect day off would ideally be a sunny one, so taking my pup on a long walk to chill us both out is always nice. I’ve become a pretty big vegan foodie these past couple of years so if the evening includes a delicious meal out somewhere with my man, I wouldn’t complain.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
Be the energy that you want to attract. If you are putting out positive thoughts into space, the same energy is matched with that and brought back to you. Basically, your thoughts are a conversation with the universe. Therefore, if you want to manipulate your reality it always starts with the mind.

How do you prioritize self-care and helping others?
I always try my best to put myself first because if I am not in a happy place I have less to offer others. I think that’s a healthy perspective where you don’t feel bad about taking time for yourself.

xx Vanessa

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