Simple Sustainability: How to Waste Less and Save More
Photo by @dans_le_sac
Written by Carmen Elle
Living sustainably doesn’t happen overnight – like most things in life, it takes a little research and a little planning. To celebrate Earth Month, the team here at Province Apothecary has put together some simple tips and tricks to help get you spending and consuming less, while helping the planet!
Life on the go
We all live fast-paced lives. One of the consequences of this lifestyle is that we rely more on disposable products such as paper coffee cups (which are not recyclable due to a polyethylene lining which helps make them waterproof!), sandwich bags, and styrofoam food containers.
Here are some great options to help cut down on waste on those busier days:
- Meal prep at the beginning of the week. A big batch of home cooked food will keep you full, cost less, and cut down on your weekly waste dramatically. It’s basically a win-win-win.
- Invest in some beeswax food wraps to replace your saran wrap. These ones from Saponetti (Toronto’s new zero waste soap shop) are affordable, breathable and antimicrobial!
- Bring a little fold-up tote bag with you in case you need to pick up groceries. They don’t take up much room and will save you from using plastic bags.
- Try Toronto’s new zero waste supermarket, Unboxed Market (1263 Dundas St. West).
- For more tips on going plastic free, check out this post from our Holistic Nutritionist Fran Allen.
Open your mind to multi-purpose
A great way to cut down on product consumption is to find new uses for items you already have. Here is an amazing article from the PA blog about some creative ways to use our products.
Here are some hero household items that have some hidden uses:
- Olive oil as a wood furniture polish
- Vinegar and lemon juice as an antibacterial all-purpose cleaner
- Veggie scraps, which can be saved and used to make a delicious soup broth -Aluminum foil as a scouring pad for pots and pans
Many folks use Earth Month as an opportunity to set an intention to have a more sustainable year.