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Women We Admire - Brittany Thomas


Brittany Thomas on Being A Fearless Female Entrepreneur

Our Women We Admire series is our way of supporting and sharing the stories of incredible women whose values match ours. Today, meet Brittany Thomas.

Tell us about yourself. What do you do?
I am Brittany Thomas, also known as SkinBae. I’m a licensed esthetician, professional makeup artist, digital creator, freelance writer, and self-care connoisseur.

What made you feel passionate about lifestyle?
I think passion is derived from a place of freedom — whether it’s the intense desire to be “free” or to live and create in a space that nurtures it. For my specific lifestyle, skin and self-care is my place of freedom. Creating intimacy and a dedicated time to check in with myself has allowed me to learn, love, and let go of parts of myself that I once avoided.

What motivates you?
First and foremost, my community. My community, my tribe, the amazing humans who continue to speak life in and over me. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who see more of me than I can see in myself at times. The safety of having family, friends, and peers that support your growth but are not hesitant in reproach is such a gift.

I’m also motivated by my testimony. If there is a word to describe my life thus far, it would certainly be full. I am 33 (I’ll be 34 in August), and I have already lived such a full life. It has been full of love, tears, laughter, faith, and lessons that carry me through daily. I desire more because more was required and expected of me to get where I am.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve learned from your industry?
Wow, this is a loaded question. However, I've learned that it’s important to remove the ideology that conformity translates into success. I have always been someone who marched to the beat of her own drum. I also like to think that it's rhythmic and regal. Lol.

But, seriously, the moment I decided I no longer needed to fit in is when I began to see manifestations and blessings come into my life.

What’s your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment has been loving myself enough to say, see and know that I am worthy. Once your faith and self-worth are solid, anything is possible!

What does it mean to you to be a female entrepreneur?
Being a female entrepreneur is automatically equivalent to fearlessness. In today's society, when a woman decides to bet it all on herself, despite the glass ceilings, funding/pay gap, and gatekeeping, please know that you have already won! It takes a strong heart and intense perseverance to declare that the space I hold is my own, with or without validation.

There’s been an incredible push for awareness and support of BIPOC-owned businesses. Where is greater support still needed?
Whew! Ok, so awareness is very low on the list of needs for BIPOC founders. We need funding, more representation, and solid foundations to build our brands. We deserve the same logistical and operational follow-through that our white “counterparts” receive. We are already “aware” of the ingenious inventions and necessities created by the BIPOC community. We need to even the playing field. We need to be giving the same manual/SOP’s that abundantly flow through other spaces.

We also need respect. I shouldn't have to work 400x harder just because of some preconceived notion that my “lack” is tied to an inability to learn, build, carry out the goal. We are power. We are strength. We are examples of what it looks like never to quit, despite curated spaces of calamity and defiled business practices.

What are your top two favorite Province Apothecary products and why?
First and foremost, the Clear Skin Advanced Facial Serum (currently out of stock) is my whole heart and the Sculpting + Toning Facial Cupping Set.

The cupping tools literally save my life and the lives of those whom I've recommended them to. It destroys the appearance of any bloat, fine lines, and dry/dull skin to start the blood flow for supple, hydrated skin immediately. Also, how could I not love a multifunctional tool? I use it everywhere!

The Clear Skin Advanced Facial Serum (currently out of stock) is a glow in a bottle. The jojoba, vitamin E, and vitamin C soothe and catapults the skin’s radiance! I also love it because it's great for EVERYONE! Cocktail this product with your other skincare steps, and it is sure to send your routine into overdrive.

What would you like skincare lovers to know?
Honestly, it would be not to complicate things. (Literally how I feel about life.) I call it “skintimacy.” Skintimacy is bridging the gap between skin, spirit, and sensuality. Start simple, address the infected/trouble areas, then heal and protect.

It's such a beautiful space to submit to each and every season of your life. If there's a blemish that won't go away, get to the root of it. What is your body trying to tell you? Healing comes by way of submission. Figure out what you need, what really works and stay the course. You earned the right to say yes to the “more” of your life. You deserve this!


Connect with Brittany at @skinbaesaidso

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