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Women We Admire | Liz Worth

Photos by Val Sankar

Liz Worth is a Toronto-based tarot card reader, astrologer and writer who contributes her beautiful and insightful Monday Meditations and moon readings to our social media. We love sharing her thoughtful readings with you, and we wanted to get to know her better!

What do you do when you wake up?
I go to the gym and do a mix of cardio and weight lifting. I do that six days a week and then go running or do yoga on the seventh day. Working out first thing in the morning isn’t for everyone, but I find it helps set the tone for the rest of the day.

What's your favourite self-care ritual?
I have two, depending on the seasons. When the weather is nice, I ride my bicycle to a coffee shop with a patio. I always bring a book or a notebook with me, but leave my phone at home so I can’t be distracted or disrupted. I’ll sit there for a couple hours reading, or writing if I feel inspired, and then I ride back home.
When it’s colder, I love to run a bath with lavender Epsom salts, essential oils, and other nice things. I’ll light candles, grab a book, and leave my phone off.

Both are very much about getting that alone time, with no disruption.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
I once got a tarot reading from a woman who had a table set up on the street. I was at a big transition in my life and before I’d even said anything to her she looked at me and said, “There is no difference between our day dreams and our night dreams. It’s when we start to separate them that we get into trouble.”

I thought about that for a long time after. I always remind myself of those words whenever I feel disconnected from myself or my path, which will always happen. No matter how dedicated you are spiritually or emotionally, you will always have times when you experience distance between your thinking and your spirit.

What would you tell your 20 year old self if you had the chance?
That you don’t have to have it all figured out by the time you’re 30.

I remember feeling so much pressure to be something by a certain age. I really believed that if I didn’t make some kind of mark on the world before I turned 30 that that would be it – I would have lost my chance of greatness.

I chased a lot of goals back then and sometimes that ambition really helped me, and sometimes it held me back. I didn’t always make the best decisions for myself, or for my relationships.

There is no deadline, and honestly, things are better when they are not rushed or forced. Your work becomes better. You become better. Time helps us to improve. It’s not a race against the clock.

What’s the most useful business lesson you’ve learned?
Treat your business like a business. Seriously.

If you want to make it work, put the time in. Invest in your business through labour, money, marketing – whatever you feel is necessary at the time.

Be real about the hard costs of running a business, and how much money you need to make just to cover those. Don’t forget to pay yourself in the process.

If you have a side gig, know that eventually, you will probably have to choose one over the other. Some people wait until their business is making enough money before they commit to it full-time, but that time may not come until you are in it 100%.

That happened to me. I used to do some part-time work but realized it was a huge block to my business growth. I was dedicating 15-20 hours a week to someone else’s business, which meant I had that much less time to work on my own. When I gave my business a full work week, every week, everything changed.

Be intentional with where your energy is going. Your business can’t grow if you’re not there to take care of it.

What piece of advice would you like to offer to other women?
Don’t be afraid to say no. And I’m not just talking about putting up boundaries with customers or clients, but within your personal life, too.

You don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to be the one who is expected to stay on top of everything all the time. You don’t have to be the friend who never misses a birthday, or who always answers her phone no matter what time it is.

You also don’t have to work all hours, answering emails the moment they come in, or operating as though you are on call 24/7. It is your right to have reasonable working conditions. And if you are self-employed, well, think of yourself as the employee: Would you work for a boss who expected that of you?

I think sometimes women feel an immense level of guilt when we say no in these ways. But we also have to see that it’s important to say no to ourselves when we are struggling under the weight of these expectations.

Does everyone around you expect you will be there all the time, or is that a pressure you are placing upon yourself?

What’s the best part about being an entrepreneur? What’s the worst part?
The best part of entrepreneurship, for me, is the creativity that comes with running a business. I can plan my income around projects, classes, and products that I want to see in the world, and I love that.

I also love that it keeps me close to the work I am doing. It’s not always easy to be invested in a company’s brand or product when it’s not your baby. Work has become confused over the years. Employers don’t just want us to do the job well; they expect us to be emotionally invested with passion and commitment to the product or service that is being provided. And I don’t know that that’s always necessary as a job requirement. But in entrepreneurship, you really feel like you can be yourself – the business is yours, the ideas are yours. It’s very authentic and there’s no need to put on airs. But the worst part? Well, first, I don’t think entrepreneurship is for everyone. There is a fallacy that being self-employed means you can make your own hours, take infinite afternoons off, and do whatever you want, whenever you want.

The money doesn’t just magically show up. Your business is like a baby and you have to be there to keep it alive, especially if you are a solopreneur or running a very lean operation.

So you have to work a lot harder, and you have to be on a lot more. You also have to be firmer in your own self-care routines and your personal boundaries, because no one else is around to tell you when it’s time to go home.

It is a lifestyle, no question. There is no security or certainty with it, either. I personally love the fluidity and organic nature of self-employment for that, but I know that can be a deal-breaker for a lot of people, too.

Who is your personal inspiration?
It is hard to choose just one person, but I often look to a woman named Louise Huebner for personal inspiration. She was an astrologer, but really rose to fame after being designated as the “official witch of Los Angeles” in the late 1960s.

Louise wrote a number of books on the occult that are so accessible and inspiring to read. They are some of the best books I’ve come across on the subject of personal power and personal development and I revisit them often.

She was very prolific as a writer, and also released a couple of spoken word albums, which is something I have always wanted to do, too. Her career was so creative and varied, but always revolved her spiritual and intuitive work.

It’s also very brave to allow yourself to be designated as an officiant in any capacity. I can’t imagine how much jealousy she must have encountered over that. Good for her for claiming some space for herself. I’m sure her work helped a lot of people find their own power and spiritual paths as a result.

Liz Worth thought her one and only career would be as a writer, but she started reading tarot in 2008 on the advice of an astrologer and her life has never been the same. Today she uses tarot and astrology as tools of truth, power, and clarity. She also continues to write. She has written horoscopes for Flare Magazine and Spiral Nature, and has also contributed to Little Red Tarot, Biddy Tarot, and the Numinous, among others. Her tarot book, Going Beyond the Little White Book: A Contemporary Guide to Tarot, is now available. Reach Liz at

Social media: @lizworthtarot (Twitter / Instagram)


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