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Celebrating Women’s Day 2019 With PA’s Natalie Sischy

Province Apothecary is comprised of skilled women in everything from aromatherapy to finance. As a company owned and operated by women, we do our best to embody the values around International Women’s Day every day of the year. From community outreach initiatives to supporting our colleagues’ professional growth, IWD has a special place in the heart of our work. In celebration of this year’s IWD, we sat down with Natalie Sischy, Province Apothecary’s COO & VP Sales, to chat about inspiring women, career advice, and of course, favourite skincare and self-care routines.

Tell us a bit about your career journey – what led you to PA?

I’ve been working in the beauty industry for around 17 years. I started my career with an amazing 9 years at L’Oreal. Following my time at L’Oreal, I worked in the US launching beauty brands with Luxury Brand Partners (LBP) before moving to Revlon. My time at LBP really inspired my entrepreneurial spirit since I was led by such a talented team of entrepreneurs. In 2015, a mutual best friend connected Julie and I to discuss our love for clean beauty products. After learning more about these incredible clean beauty products, it felt like the perfect fit to join forces and partner with Julie to help manage and grow Province Apothecary.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #BalanceForBetter. What does this mean to you? To the company?

#Balanceforbetter to me represents celebrating and supporting gender equality and balance–two things I think are vital for organizations and economies to thrive. We are so pleased to be celebrating this at Province Apothecary!

What is the significance/impact of being a woman-owned-and-operated company in the clean beauty/green beauty and general wellness industry?

I love it! I think it's amazing that Province Apothecary is 100% founded, owned, and led by women. We are a group of women who manage everything from wellness industry beauty trends to aesthetic treatments, operations, finance, accounting, supply chain, manufacturing, sales, and marketing to name a few! It's a great and welcoming industry that I hope inspires many young women to go into business.

Tell us about a woman who inspires you and why.

My twin sister inspires me every day. Her work ethic, dedication, stamina, and energy help keep me motivated. Even though we live in different cities and work in different industries, we are very close. We are both hard workers and whenever I feel like I'm on the verge of burning out or losing motivation, her drive and dedication helps uplift me. I'm so thankful to have her and very much love sister relationships.

In your mind, how does Province Apothecary embody the values of Women’s Day?

To me, Women’s Day values include equality, hope, collaboration, appreciation and respect. I'm pleased that Province Apothecary is aligned with these values and that our talented team is so passionate about giving back. This year we collaborated with several community outreach initiatives like Casey House, Canada's only hospital for people with HIV/AIDS, where we helped smash stigma through the world’s first ever HIV/AIDS spa experience. We also coordinated a donation drive for Sistering– a multi-service agency supporting at-risk women in our community.

What does your morning routine look like?

I'm obsessed with Province Apothecary’s Moisturizing Cleanser + Makeup Remover. I cannot live without it! I love starting my day with exercise and a healthy breakfast which usually includes fruit and yogurt. I like to start my morning skincare ritual off with an oil cleanse before spritzing our Invigorating + Balancing Toner and finishing with our Rejuvenating and Hydrating Face Serum. This ritual gives me the perfect morning glow!

What’s a self-care ritual you can’t live without?

Hot baths. They are my favourite way to relax at the end of the day. I have one almost every night, which play an essential role in keeping me warm during these long Canadian winters. I love using our Radiant Body Oil after these hot baths–not only does it keep my skin hydrated, it smells delicious!

What’s a piece of advice that’s stuck with you most?

When I was a teenager I was given the following career advice: choose something you are passionate about, be willing to start at the bottom, and work hard. This has stuck with me throughout my career.

What’s your favourite PA product? Do you have any fun staff hacks?

This is a tough question! I love all of our products. For favourite I'm leaning towards our Invigorating + Balancing Toner. I travel a lot and always pack a toner in my purse to keep me feeling fresh after long flights. I also take our Repairing + Conditioning Lip Balm with me wherever I go. For staff hacks, my hidden secret is to use our Protecting and Restoring Face Balm as an eye creme! It’s pure magic.


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